

Squared Minus

The Mathematical Symbol "Squared Minus (⊟)"

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The "Squared Minus" Symbol (⊟)

The ⊟ symbol is commonly known as "Squared Minus". This symbol represents the operation of subtraction in a particular mathematical context.

Understanding the Symbol

The ⊟ symbol is often visualized as a minus sign inside a square. The square serves as a highlight or emphasis on the subtraction operation, making it stand out in certain mathematical expressions or formulae where distinction is necessary.


The ⊟ symbol is used in mathematical contexts where the regular minus symbol might be insufficient or could lead to ambiguity. It serves to differentiate the subtraction operation from other operations that might be present.


In some algebraic structures or specific mathematical systems, if \( A \) and \( B \) are two entities and their relation or operation is represented as \( A ⊟ B \), it conveys a specific subtraction-like operation distinct from the usual subtraction.

Typing ⊟

In digital documents or web-based platforms, the ⊟ entity can be used to render the "Squared Minus" symbol. For various mathematical software, notation systems, or programming environments, there might be different methods or codes to input and display this symbol.

Related Symbols

Related symbols to consider include ⊞ (Squared Plus) and ⊠ (Squared Times). Each of these symbols highlights or emphasizes a specific mathematical operation using the square notation.


The use of the ⊟ symbol, like other special mathematical notations, arises from the necessity for clarity and precision when conveying mathematical operations or relationships. Familiarity with its context and usage ensures clearer mathematical communication.

Mathematical symbol 'Squared Minus'

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Codes for the ⊟ Symbol

The Symbol
Alt CodeAlt 8863
HTML Code⊟
HTML Entity⊟
CSS Code\229F
Hex Code⊟

How To Insert the ⊟ Symbol

(Method 1) Copy and paste the symbol.

The easiest way to get the ⊟ symbol is to copy and paste it into your document.

Bear in mind that this is a UTF-8 encoded character. It must be encoded as UTF-8 at all stages (copying, replacing, editing, pasting), otherwise it will render as random characters or the dreaded �.

(Method 2) Use the "Alt Code."

If you have a keyboard with a numeric pad, you can use this method. Simply hold down the Alt key and type 8863. When you lift the Alt key, the symbol appears. ("Num Lock" must be on.)

(Method 3) Use the HTML Decimal Code (for webpages).

HTML TextOutput
<b>My symbol: &#8863;</b>My symbol: ⊟

(Method 4) Use the HTML Entity Code (for webpages).

HTML TextOutput
<b>My symbol: &minusb;</b>My symbol: ⊟

(Method 5) Use the CSS Code (for webpages).

CSS and HTML TextOutput
span:after {
content: "\229F";}
<span>My symbol:</span>
My symbol: ⊟

(Method 6) Use the HTML Hex Code (for webpages and HTML canvas).

HTML TextOutput
<b>My symbol: &#x229F;</b>My symbol: ⊟
On the assumption that you already have your canvas and the context set up, use the Hex code in the format 0x229F to place the ⊟ symbol on your canvas. For example:
JavaScript Text
const x = "0x"+"E9"
ctx.fillText(String.fromCodePoint(x), 5, 5);

(Method 7) Use the Unicode (for various, e.g. Microsoft Office, JavaScript, Perl).

The Unicode for ⊟ is U+229F. The important part is the hexadecimal number after the U+, which is used in various formats. For example, in Microsoft Office applications (e.g. Word, PowerPoint), do the following:
[Hold down Alt]
[Press x]

(The 229F turns into ⊟. Note that you can omit any leading zeros.)
In JavaScript, the syntax is \uXXXX. So, our example would be \u229F. (Note that the format is 4 hexadecimal characters.)
JavaScript TextOutput
let str = "\u229F"
document.write("My symbol: " + str)
My symbol: ⊟

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More about Mathematical Symbols

Mathematics is a universal language that is used to describe and understand the intricacies of the universe. At the heart of this language are symbols, concise representations that convey specific meanings and ideas.

Just as letters come together to form words in spoken languages, mathematical symbols combine to form expressions and equations, encapsulating intricate ideas in a compact form. The history of these symbols is as varied as their meanings; some have been in use for centuries while others have been introduced more recently to describe new discoveries and concepts. Whether you are a student, educator, researcher, or simply curious, this list of mathematical symbols will serve as a guide, shedding light on their meanings, origins, and applications.

From the simple plus and minus signs to the more esoteric and complex, each symbol has its unique story and significance.

More Symbols

Full List of Mathematical Symbols