Finding a Power of a Fraction
(KS2, Year 6)

A power can have an fraction raised to an exponent. power_base_fraction This is a laws of exponents.

How to Find a Power of an Algebraic Fraction


Use the law of exponents to find the power with the fraction below.
three quarters squared



Find the exponent of the power. In our example, the exponent is 2.


Find the top number (called the numerator) of the fraction. In our example, the numerator is 3. The numerator is 3


Raise the number found in Step 2 (3) to the exponent found in Step 1 (2). This becomes the numerator of the answer. The numerator of the answer is 3 squared


Find the bottom number (called the denominator) of the fraction. In our example, the denominator is 4. The denominator is 4


Raise the number found in Step 4 (4) to the exponent found in Step 1 (2). This becomes the denominator of the answer. The denominator of the answer is 4 squared
We have used the law of exponents to find the power of a fraction. 3 squared over 4 squared For the final steps, evaluate the powers in our fraction.


Evaluate the power on the top of the fraction. In our example, evaluate 32.
32 = 3 × 3 = 9


Evaluate the power on the bottom of the fraction. In our example, evaluate 42.
42 = 4 × 4 = 16


(34)2 is equal to 916. 9 over 16

Understanding Finding a Power of a Fraction

Let us look at the rule for powers of a fraction: bases and exponents Firstly, let us look at what is to the left of the equals sign (=): Let us look at the right hand side of the equals sign (=):
  • The right hand side is a fraction.
  • The top of the fraction is a power: 2n. It has a base of 2 with an exponent of n.
  • The bottom of the fraction is a power: 3n. It has a base of 3 with an exponent of n.

Lesson Slides

The slider below shows another real example of how to find the power of a fraction.
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This page was written by Stephen Clarke.