Multiplying Terms in Algebra
(KS3, Year 7)

The Lesson

Terms can be multiplied. Imagine we wanted to multiply the terms 2a and 3b. 2 a times 3 b

How to Multiply Terms in Algebra

Multiplying terms is easy.


Multiply the two terms below.
multiply terms example



Multiply the numbers that appear in the terms. In our example, the numbers are 2 and 3.

2a × 3b

2 × 3 = 6

6 will appear in the answer: 6


Multiply the letters that appear in both terms. In our example, no letter appears in both terms.


Find letters that only appear in one term.
  • a only appears in 2a. a will appear in the answer: a
  • b only appears in 3b. b will appear in the answer: b


Write the results from the previous steps next to each other. 6 was the result of Step 1. a and b were the result of Step 3. multiply_terms_example_step_4


Check the signs. In our example, both terms are positive, so their product is positive.


We have multiplied the terms together:
2a × 3b = 6ab

A Real Example of How to Multiply Terms in Algebra

This is a more complicated example.


Multiply the two terms below.
multiply terms example 2



Multiply the numbers that appear in the terms. In our example, the number is 2 in one term. The other does not appear to have a number, which means it actually has a number of 1.

2ab × −ac2 = 2ab × −1ac2

2 × 1 = 2

2 will appear in the answer: 2


Multiply the letters that appear in both terms. In our example, a appears in both terms.

2ab × −ac2

a × a = a2

Don't forget: = a × a = a2 (a squared). a2 will appear in the answer: a squared


Find letters that only appear in one term.
  • b only appears in 2ab. b will appear in the answer: b
  • c only appears in −ac2. It appears with an exponent of 2: c2 (c squared). c2 will appear in the answer: c squared


Write the results from the previous steps next to each other. 2 was the result of Step 1. a2 was the result of Step 2. b and c2 were the result of Step 3. multiply_terms_example_2_step_4


Check the signs. In our example, one terms is positive, the other negative. Their product is negative.


We have multiplied the terms together:
2ab × −ac2 = −2a2bc2

Lesson Slides

The slider below shows a real example of how to multiply terms in algebra.

What Is a Term in Algebra?

A term is a collection of numbers, letters and brackets all multiplied together.

Multiplying the Same Letter Using Exponent Notation

There is a law for multiplying terms with exponents. Add the exponents to each other. to multiply terms with exponents, add the exponents

Top Tip

Rules For Signs: Multiplication

Same signs give a plus: multiply the same signs gives a positive product Different signs give a minus: multiply different signs gives a negative product
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This page was written by Stephen Clarke.