Finding the Reciprocal of a Fraction
(KS2, Year 5)

To find the reciprocal of a fraction, turn the fraction upside down. The reciprocal of 2 over 3 is 3 over 2 Make the numerator the denominator, and the denominator the numerator.

How to Find the Reciprocal of a Fraction


What is the reciprocal of the fraction below?
three fifths



Make the numerator of the fraction the denominator of the reciprocal. In our example, the numerator of the fraction is 3. The numerator of the fraction (3) becomes the denominator of the reciprocal


Make the denominator of the fraction the numerator of the reciprocal. In our example, the denominator of the fraction is 5. The denominator of the fraction (5) becomes the numerator of the reciprocal


We have found the reciprocal of the fraction: five thirds

Finding the Reciprocal of a Mixed Fraction

The method above can be used to find the reciprocal of proper and improper fractions, but can not immediately be applied to mixed fractions. Mixed fractions must first be converted to improper fractions before the method can be applied.


What is the reciprocal of the mixed fraction below?
three and two thirds


Add a preliminary step. The method then continues as before.


Make the numerator of the fraction the denominator of the reciprocal. In our example, the numerator of the fraction is 11. The numerator of the fraction (11) becomes the denominator of the fraction


Make the denominator of the fraction the numerator of the reciprocal. In our example, the denominator of the fraction is 3. The denominator of the fraction (3) becomes the denominator of the fraction


We have found the reciprocal of the fraction: three elevenths

Lesson Slides

The slider below shows another real example of how to find the reciprocal of a fraction.

What Is a Reciprocal?

The reciprocal of a quantity is the result of dividing 1 by that quantity. Reciprocal of 5 is 1 over 5

Why Is Finding the Reciprocal of a Fraction Useful?

The reciprocal of a fraction is useful for:

Reciprocal When the Numerator Is 1

Consider a fraction where the numerator is 1: 1 over 2 By finding the reciprocal, the denominator becomes 1: 2 divided by 1 But a number divided by 1 is itself: 2 divided by 1 equals 2 The reciprocal of a fraction with a numerator of 1 is simply the denominator.
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This page was written by Stephen Clarke.